Arrivals & Departures

Araxa Airport (AAX)


Araxa, Brazil

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Elevation: 3276ft

UTC: -3 Hours

Araxa is a city located in Minas Gerais, Brazil. It is located in the western part of the state, and is the second largest city in the region. It is home to an international airport (Araxa Airport, or AAX), as well as a university and several museums, such as the Calmon Barreto Museum and the Zema Museum. Araxa is known for its historic downtown, which is full of colonial-era buildings, churches and cathedrals, as well as its natural beauty, with multiple parks and nature reserves located nearby. The climate in Araxa is tropical and humid, with temperatures ranging from hot during the summer to cool during the winter.

Airport Directions

To get to Araxa Airport (AAX) by car, you can take the BR-020 highway and exit at the Araxa Rodoviaria. The journey should take around 40 minutes and cost around R$20. To get to Araxa Airport (AAX) by bus, you can take a bus from the city center. The journey should take around 1 hour and cost around R$5. Unfortunately, there are no trains to Araxa Airport (AAX). To get to Araxa Airport (AAX) by taxi, you can take a taxi from the city center. The journey should take around 30 minutes and cost around R$50.

Airport Terminals & Airlines

The following airlines operate out of Araxa Airport (AAX):Azul Brazilian AirlinesGol AirlinesTrip Linhas AereasAvianca BrazilLATAM Airlines BrazilPassaredo Linhas AereasSomon AirGOL Transportes AereosNordeste Linhas Aereas RegionaisTrip Transportes AereosWebjet Linhas Aereas

Airport Address

The address of Araxa Airport (AAX) is Rua Aguas do Araxa, Araxa, State of Minas Gerais 38184-518 Brazil. The telephone number is not available, but you can contact them via email at The opening hours are from 6am to 10pm daily.

Airport Lost & Found

The lost and found at Araxa Airport (AAX) is located at Av. Amazonas s/n, So Geraldo, Araxa, MG, Brazil. The phone number is +55 34 3662-7600 and the opening hours are from 6:00am to 10:00pm Monday through Friday and from 8:00am to 2:00pm on Saturdays.

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