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Nellis Air Force Base (LSV)


Las Vegas, United States

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Elevation: 1870ft

UTC: -8 Hours

Nellis Air Force Base (LSV) is located in the city of Las Vegas, Nevada in the United States. Las Vegas is a vibrant, bustling city full of entertainment, culture, and tourist attractions. It is known for its vibrant nightlife, its numerous casinos and resorts, and its iconic Las Vegas Strip. The city is also home to a variety of cultural and historical attractions, including museums and art galleries. There are also a number of parks and outdoor activities available in the area, including hiking, biking, and other recreational activities. Las Vegas is a vibrant and exciting city with plenty to offer to its visitors.

Airport Directions

The best way to get to Nellis Air Force Base (LSV) from Las Vegas is by car. The estimated cost for a one-way trip is around $14. You can also take a bus from the Las Vegas Strip to the base for an estimated cost of $2.75. There is no train service to Nellis Air Force Base, but you can take a taxi for an estimated cost of $50 to $60 for a one-way trip.

Airport Terminals & Airlines

Nellis Air Force Base (LSV) has a single terminal which serves both commercial and military flights. The airlines that operate out of Nellis Air Force Base (LSV) include American Airlines, Delta Air Lines, Southwest Airlines, and United Airlines. The military flights operated out of Nellis Air Force Base (LSV) include the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds, Air Force Reserve, and Air National Guard.

Airport Address

To get to Nellis Air Force Base (LSV) by car , you can take US-95 South for about 17 miles and then take the exit for Las Vegas Boulevard (the Las Vegas Strip). By bus, you can take the RTC 119 from the Las Vegas Strip to Nellis Air Force Base (LSV). The fare for a single ride is currently $2.00 . By taxi, the fare from the Las Vegas Strip to Nellis Air Force Base (LSV) is about $50.00 . Public transport is available via the RTC 119 bus, with a fare of $2.00 for a single ride.

Airport Lost & Found

The address of the Lost and Found at Nellis Air Force Base (LSV) is 4475 England Ave, Bldg. 2053, Nellis Air Force Base, NV 89191. The telephone number is (702) 652-4122 and the opening hours are Monday to Friday, 8:00 am ?4:00 pm.

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